CHDP Providers

CHDP Providers

CHDP Provider Relations Staff

Our goal is to ensure that CHDP provider offices meet state standards in order to provide quality health care for Alameda County children and youth. Provider relations staff provide training, referrals and resources, in addition to certifying and renewing certifications for CHDP providers.

CHDP staff can assist provider offices with any questions and concerns you may have. Please call 510-618-2070 to speak with a provider relations nurse, the nutritionist, or other program staff.

Care Coordination

Provider Relations Nurses provide care coordination for CHDP patients covered by CHDP Gateway or Medi-Cal fee for service upon request. Providers must submit the care coordination form to request follow-up. Please view the detailed form instructions.

CHDP Periodicity

CHDP has adopted the Bright Futures schedule for exams.

Training Opportunities

  • Free Oral Health and Fluoride Varnish Training – Offered On-site or Virtual 

Our Alameda County Office of Dental Health (ODH) staff is available to provide oral health and fluoride varnish application trainings for medical staff on-site at your clinic or virtually.  This free 1 – 1.5 hour training consist of:

    • A brief Power Point presentation
    • A demonstration of Fluoride Varnish application
    • Hands on practice for staff and check for competency 

If you are interested in scheduling a virtual or an in person on-site oral health and fluoride varnish training, please contact Yadvir Kaur, RDH at 510-268-2278 or email


Resources & Referrals for patients and handouts

Other Helpful Websites

Public Health Alerts

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