A Unique Approach

A Unique Approach

Business as usual won’t work.

Our health challenges don’t stay in neat little boxes.  Our solutions shouldn’t either.


Our health challenges don’t stay in neat little boxes, and our solutions shouldn’t either. A bold, outside-of-the box approach is needed to transform the way we define and promote health. Building Blocks for Health Equity staff and partners are skilled at listening, ideating, and creative problem-solving to design and implement projects that influence the field of health.

Community Voice

Building Blocks for Health Equity recognizes both that the best solutions often lie with communities and that public agencies and private partners have a role to play in providing resources, infrastructure, and connections that enable these solutions to take flight. We engage with partners and residents, working together for new solutions based on the unique strengths of our communities.


Our health problems are not isolated and our solutions should not be either. Our approach draws on opportunities and points of intersection of interrelated areas that impact community health: we bring together partners in health, education, community, and physical and economic environment to shape a common vision for our health in our communities.

Small Wins

Building Blocks for Health Equity projects are biased toward action. We start with small wins and build momentum for change, recognizing that health and social Inequities did not happen overnight. Disinvested communities for some and communities of opportunity for others are a result of programs and policies over decades that have systematically favored or disadvantaged residents, largely based on race and income-levels. We must each take first steps to address these issues while working toward larger change.

Investment in Young Children

The science of early life tells us that investing in our youngest residents yields the greatest return. We want an Alameda County where all children have the opportunity to be healthy and live up to their full potential. We must invest in positive experiences and environments for all our children to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Alameda County.

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